“Mythic Dreaming: Encounters with Love and Death”
Return exhibition in the Vine Arts Center at the Ivy Building
2637 27th Ave. S, Minneapolis 55406
“Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.”
Humans yearn to love and be loved.
Humans also know they are fated to die.
Love and Death merge in the landscapes of myth and dream.
Mythic Art Circle, the mytho-poetic visionary art of Paul B. Rucker, Roger Williamson and Helga Hedgewalker, presents an exhibition of paintings, mixed media and digital work that invites the audience to venture into dreamscapes where love and death ignite.
Exhibit viewing hours: November 11-December 9, Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (except for Opening Night), and Wednesdays from 6 to 9 p.m.
Opening Night Event
Saturday, November 11, 7-10 p.m. Event will include snacks & beverages, vending by the artists and a short ritual theatre experience to open and bless this exhibition, featuring masked ritualists.
Special Mid-Exhibition Event
Wednesday, Nov. 29 (open hours 6-9 p.m.)
Local storyteller Steven Posch will present a performance of original and traditional stories and songs. Family friendly event. Performance will begin approximately at 7 p.m. There will be sets of stories with breaks in between and light refreshments.
An ASL interpreter will be on hand for this performance, courtesy of the Vine Arts Center.
Steve has released a CD album of this work called Radio Paganistan and is a prolific blogger on the intersection of modern witch culture with many other topics, on Paganistan: Notes from the Secret Commonwealth.
Closing Night Event
Saturday, December 9, 7–10 p.m. Masked Ball open to all, inviting costumes interpreting all combinations of myth, dream, love and/or death!

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